When it comes to skincare, there are plenty of options to choose from. One of the most popular items on the market is a facial mask. You don’t have to be a celebrity or beauty guru to make good use of one though they’re easy and inexpensive, and they’ll do wonders for your complexion!
Here are five ways you can use your facial mask:
1) Try more than one variety
There are many different ingredients in different facial masks, and it can be hard to choose between them. Try the same mask under both light and intense lighting for example.

2) Wash your face beforehand
Doing this will make the mask more effective. Try to avoid using any moisturizer, except for a mild one (like Cetaphil) that won’t interfere with the mask.
3) Use undamaged cloths
If you use a facial mask on topical skin irritation, it’s important to avoid using any materials that may have already irritated or damaged your skin further. Make sure you have clean and new clothes ready to go when you apply the facial mask.
4) Apply the mask evenly
This can be difficult if you don’t have a partner to help you with it. A trick most people use is to take a picture of themselves sideways, so they can see how even the mask is once it’s been applied. Make sure you avoid getting any in your eyes or mouth.
5) Allow the mask to dry thoroughly
Facial masks should never be rubbed in or washed off before they’re completely dry. If you start to see your natural skin peeking through the mask, you can remove it and wash your face with warm water.
Facial masks are an easy and inexpensive way to reduce the look of dark circles and moisturize your skin at the same time. The only thing you have to avoid is using a facial mask on an open wound or skin irritation. And avoid leaving the mask on your face for too long at too high a temperature, as it will dry out your natural skin and damage the protective layer of your skin.